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buildinprogress's podcast

The Build in progress podcast is hosted by Simon Frewin and Ross Downs. Our intention is to put together a not too serious yet helpful insight into property investment, business and entrepreneurship. We'll bring a mix of top tips, friendly guests, the ups and the downs in our lives. 

We're learning on the job about both podcasts and property which is the reason we called it 'build in progress'. No one is the full package (especially us) and we are all working progress, we'll be showing our progression through the podcast.

May 25, 2020

Experienced landlord and builder Dan Kennedy joins us on the Build in progress podcast!! 

Dan is a HMO expert and moving into more developments. 

Dan is brutally honest about the industry which makes a refreshing change!!

We chat through some of his projects he's got on. He's got 3 separate projects going on with a mix...

May 18, 2020


We recorded this Podcast a couple of weeks ago and only thought the timing would be right to release on Mental health awareness week. I really enjoyed doing this pod with my old mate Jamie and genuinely believe there's some useful...

May 16, 2020


A little 25 minute special all on planning law!! 

Jon Mcdermott from 'The planning game podcast' gives the build in progress listeners 6 amazing tips all around planning!! 

Top 3 'saftey' planning tips

Jons 3 favourite planning gains

May 11, 2020

It was a real pleasure to get James Pank on the podcast recently (and occasional 'piggybacker' Si Duckworth) 

James's dad started Auction house West Yorkshire back in 2009 just after the banking crisis in 2008.

Really fascinating insight into the world of auctions. . . James dismisses a few myths of the often perceived...

May 4, 2020

Another build in progress podcast. . . Another on the web, still working on my sound and making it sound better each time so please bare with me :) 

Jon McDermott is a Chartered Town Planner and Educator in planning and development.

Jon has some 17 year experience in the public and private sector and presently manages...