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buildinprogress's podcast

The Build in progress podcast is hosted by Simon Frewin and Ross Downs. Our intention is to put together a not too serious yet helpful insight into property investment, business and entrepreneurship. We'll bring a mix of top tips, friendly guests, the ups and the downs in our lives. 

We're learning on the job about both podcasts and property which is the reason we called it 'build in progress'. No one is the full package (especially us) and we are all working progress, we'll be showing our progression through the podcast.

Jun 22, 2020


My goal with the build in progress podcast has always been to get genuine people, with years of experience and are massively honest about the industry. Richard Little ticks everyone of those boxes. I dare say this pod could have gone on for 2 hours and I'm hoping to get Richard on for a part 2 in the future but for now . . . 

Richard is a veteran of 44 years and more than 3000 new homes completed. 

With experience in land, planning and housebuilding his knowledge and application is founded in ‘hyperrealism’ with a view to risk managing projects from the sourcing through the planning and build to the exit. 

He maintains that the most valuable experience was gained from the business and project problems over the decades.

As always please give this a little share, subscribe and give me a 5 star review . . .I think there's tonnes of value in this pod alone and I'm hoping that it continues to be this way. Enjoy